Dear Followers&Copiers, Another Financial Year (FY) has passed, the reporting season is over and it’s time to update the equity portfolio of the Global Leaders Portfolio (GLP) in terms of the SIAScore system we use.
Let’s quickly remind what SIAScore is and how the process :
S1: growing sector 1pts/0pts,
S2: incumbent or prospective global leader 1pts/0pts,
S3: growing or stable wide margins (40%+ gross; 3yr avg) 2pts/0pts,
S4: Net Debt/EBITDA <1.5 (last 3 ended FYs) 2pts/0pts,
S5: above-average cash flows (FCF/MktCap (last 3 ended FYs) > S&P500 Dividend Yield or US 10yr Treasry Yield (higher of the values)) 2pts/0pts;
In this post I run a SIAScore update for one of the best semiconductor stocks in the world, which has shown a lot of growth momentum over the last few years:
S1-S1: these qualitative points are clear. $AMD both operates in a growing sector (S1) and is a potential global leader (S2). In both cases the company gets 1 point.
S3: 2 points
2018/2019/2020/AVG/last yr AVG
$AMD managed to improve it’s average gross maring to over 40% for the last 3 years. This is due to the massive improvement over the last 2 FY’s. IT shows that the copmany’s hottest products (like the Ryzen processors) are a big success and allow $AMD to capitalize on it.
S4: 2 points
2018/2019/2020/AVG/last yr AVG
The company also improves its net cash position and is now cash posisitve on average for the last 3 FYs, whilst yet last year it was cash neutral.
S5: 0 points
2018/2019/2020/AVG/last yr AVG
Also a good improvement seen here. Average FCF yield for the last 3 FYs went positive from negative still last year. This is not yet enough though, as the yield is lower than both the $SPX500 dividend yield (1,53% as of now) and the 10Y treasury yield (1,6% os of now).
Aggregate SIAScore for $AMD: 6 points (an improvement from last year results of 4 points).
Conclusion: $AMD improves its financial standing on YoY basis and is still a long-term buy as the improving fundamentals continue the process of long-term value creation of the company.
Best regards, GlobalAlphaS
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